Dove Beauty Patch: #BeautyIs You

It was just a normal routine day at work, I was scrolling through my Facebook timeline when I saw 7 of my friends, including male-friends had shared this video by Dove. It made me curious what is it about this video that guys shared it. I would recommend you all to watch this video before reading any further.

I watched this video and all I could think was that was so simple. No amount of make up or branded clothes can make you feel beautiful. But the confidence that you are beautiful in your very own way will. These woman in this video, I thought they were beautiful, regardless of their skin color, their age, or what they are wearing. When I started watching this video I was eager to know why would they are uncomfortable being themselves? And in all honesty, I thought its some chemical patch that controls energy.

But it was nothing. These woman are  just like me and you. All they needed was a believe that there is something different about them today and that every day is different. And that every day there will be one thing or another that will make them more beautiful than ever.

Dove Patches

Dove Patches

I read the hashtag in the corner of the Dove website that said #BeautyIs and by the end of this video I was convinced that #BeautyIs you. That’s it! It was as simple as that. I loved how beautifully this simple idea is executed by Dove. I was literally smiling. I could actually feel why this one woman began crying on finding there is nothing in the beauty patch. Loved the idea. Simple and beautifully executed.